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所要時間: 約 2分


(defconst org-archive-tag "ARCHIVE"
  "The tag that marks a subtree as archived.
An archived subtree does not open during visibility cycling, and does
not contribute to the agenda listings.")
(defcustom org-archive-location "%s_archive::"
  "The location where subtrees should be archived.

The value of this variable is a string, consisting of two parts,
separated by a double-colon.  The first part is a filename and
the second part is a headline.

When the filename is omitted, archiving happens in the same file.
%s in the filename will be replaced by the current file
name (without the directory part).  Archiving to a different file
is useful to keep archived entries from contributing to the
Org Agenda.

The archived entries will be filed as subtrees of the specified
headline.  When the headline is omitted, the subtrees are simply
filed away at the end of the file, as top-level entries.  Also in
the heading you can use %s to represent the file name, this can be
useful when using the same archive for a number of different files.

Here are a few examples:
	If the current file is Projects.org, archive in file
	Projects.org_archive, as top-level trees.  This is the default.

\"::* Archived Tasks\"
	Archive in the current file, under the top-level headline
	\"* Archived Tasks\".

	Archive in file ~/org/archive.org (absolute path), as top-level trees.

\"~/org/archive.org::* From %s\"
	Archive in file ~/org/archive.org (absolute path), under headlines
        \"From FILENAME\" where file name is the current file name.

\"~/org/datetree.org::datetree/* Finished Tasks\"
        The \"datetree/\" string is special, signifying to archive
        items to the datetree.  Items are placed in either the CLOSED
        date of the item, or the current date if there is no CLOSED date.
        The heading will be a subentry to the current date.  There doesn't
        need to be a heading, but there always needs to be a slash after
        datetree.  For example, to store archived items directly in the
        datetree, use \"~/org/datetree.org::datetree/\".

\"basement::** Finished Tasks\"
	Archive in file ./basement (relative path), as level 3 trees
	below the level 2 heading \"** Finished Tasks\".

You may define it locally by setting an ARCHIVE property.  If
such a property is found in the file or in an entry, and anywhere
up the hierarchy, it will be used.

You can also set it for the whole file using the keyword-syntax:

#+ARCHIVE: basement::** Finished Tasks"
  :group 'org-archive
  :type 'string)

(defcustom org-agenda-skip-archived-trees t
  "Non-nil means the agenda will skip any items located in archived trees.
An archived tree is a tree marked with the tag ARCHIVE.  The use of this
variable is no longer recommended, you should leave it at the value t.
Instead, use the key `v' to cycle the archives-mode in the agenda."
  :group 'org-archive
  :group 'org-agenda-skip
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom org-columns-skip-archived-trees t
  "Non-nil means ignore archived trees when creating column view."
  :group 'org-archive
  :group 'org-properties
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom org-cycle-open-archived-trees nil
  "Non-nil means `org-cycle' will open archived trees.
An archived tree is a tree marked with the tag ARCHIVE.
When nil, archived trees will stay folded.  You can still open them with
normal outline commands like `show-all', but not with the cycling commands."
  :group 'org-archive
  :group 'org-cycle
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom org-sparse-tree-open-archived-trees nil
  "Non-nil means sparse tree construction shows matches in archived trees.
When nil, matches in these trees are highlighted, but the trees are kept in
collapsed state."
  :group 'org-archive
  :group 'org-sparse-trees
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom org-sparse-tree-default-date-type nil
  "The default date type when building a sparse tree.
When this is nil, a date is a scheduled or a deadline timestamp.
Otherwise, these types are allowed:

        all: all timestamps
     active: only active timestamps (<...>)
   inactive: only inactive timestamps ([...])
  scheduled: only scheduled timestamps
   deadline: only deadline timestamps"
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Scheduled or deadline" nil)
		 (const :tag "All timestamps" all)
		 (const :tag "Only active timestamps" active)
		 (const :tag "Only inactive timestamps" inactive)
		 (const :tag "Only scheduled timestamps" scheduled)
		 (const :tag "Only deadline timestamps" deadline)
		 (const :tag "Only closed timestamps" closed))
  :version "26.1"
  :package-version '(Org . "8.3")
  :group 'org-sparse-trees)


(defun org-archive-subtree (&optional find-done)
  "Move the current subtree to the archive.
The archive can be a certain top-level heading in the current
file, or in a different file.  The tree will be moved to that
location, the subtree heading be marked DONE, and the current
time will be added.

When called with a single prefix argument FIND-DONE, find whole
trees without any open TODO items and archive them (after getting
confirmation from the user).  When called with a double prefix
argument, find whole trees with timestamps before today and
archive them (after getting confirmation from the user).  If the
cursor is not at a headline when these commands are called, try
all level 1 trees.  If the cursor is on a headline, only try the
direct children of this heading."
  (interactive "P")
(defun org-archive-to-archive-sibling ()
  "Archive the current heading by moving it under the archive sibling.

The archive sibling is a sibling of the heading with the heading name
`org-archive-sibling-heading' and an `org-archive-tag' tag.  If this
sibling does not exist, it will be created at the end of the subtree.

Archiving time is retained in the ARCHIVE_TIME node property."
(defun org-toggle-archive-tag (&optional find-done)
  "Toggle the archive tag for the current headline.
With prefix ARG, check all children of current headline and offer tagging
the children that do not contain any open TODO items."
  (interactive "P")
(defun org-archive-set-tag ()
  "Set the ARCHIVE tag."
(defun org-archive-subtree-default ()
  "Archive the current subtree with the default command.
This command is set with the variable `org-archive-default-command'."
  "Archive the current subtree with the default command.
This command is set with the variable `org-archive-default-command'."